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Heroplex Outline: RPG Concept


This document serves as the outline for Heroplex, an RPG concept in a world of superheroes. Visual components can be found at


“When everyone has superpowers, Heroplex defines them.”

‘Them’ lingers unspecified to suggest that being defined by Heroplex could either be referring to the powers themselves, or the kind of person the Character chooses to be.


Just because everybody in this world has superpowers, that doesn’t mean all powers are consistent. Some powers are weak or generally useless. That’s always been true. But something’s wrong- more and more people are reporting total power loss. And now that others seem to be developing multiple powers, something doesn't add up. Civil unrest is escalating. Some wield the powerless phenomena to promote their own agenda, or to marginalize the powerless further, while others research potential cures. So is powerlessness a natural event, or is somebody stealing powers? Conspiracies abound. But this is the player’s origin story- it’s up to them how this ends.


As an in-world explanation for the science of superpowers, ‘Heroplex’ as a concept also functions as the game’s core mechanic- the development of superpowers. What other RPGs might define as a skill tree, a character’s ‘Heroplexus’ screen charts their potential. By the world’s experts knowing exactly how powers grow, the player can believe that building those powers exists within a system complimenting gameplay. And by the core mechanic serving as the game’s namesake, the intention of the experience is explicit.

Powers can grow in magnitude, versatility, specificity, and aesthetic. The first three of these qualities are achieved by investing Power Points into branches of a character’s Heroplexus. But a power’s aesthetics are based on a character’s Aura. Aura is dictated by the choices the character makes- evil choices make powers animate in jagged and sinister shapes, while heroic choices result in conventionally pleasing power visuals. But these aesthetics aren’t entirely at the mercy of choices, as certain choices unlock customizable Aura Aspects, and the primary color of a power is always optional.

All powers function within puzzle solving gameplay mechanics. Were an objective to be a jewel heist, getting to the jewel would involve multiple avenues of success. Super Flexibility might avoid Tripwire detection, but what about the strength to break open the display case? Even with Super Strength, is there the speed to escape before the guards show up? The player is then motivated to explore their Heroplexus and plan Power Point investments. A Super Strength build might work towards Super Strong Legs and unlock increased speed, while a character with Super Flexibility could strive for Super Flex Fist to unlock a wound-up wallop. Alternatively, the Ally System lets players build relationships with NPCs for assistance on missions, and perhaps even start a whole new Super Team.

Heroplex is the ‘power fantasy’ fulfilled. It’s the question ‘what superpower would you choose?’ answered. It’s a ‘hero complex’ in practice.


  1. Prologue’s Promise

    1. Theme: The promise of a new day.

    2. Function: Exploring gameplay fundamentals, character designed, powers chosen.

    3. Summary: Waking up in the Power Academy on Graduation Day, the Character makes their way to the Auditorium, then chooses their powers in the Heroplex Ceremony.

  2. Revoltoids Rebel

    1. Theme: Action right away.

    2. Function: Testing power mechanics as puzzle solving, engaging in combat.

    3. Summary: This fight includes shutting down three main points of the Revoltoid invasion. Those three points are oriented to be ideal for certain power types, and make clear what your own power can and can’t do. It concludes by choosing whether or not to run away after the battle or complete the ceremony. Either way, Headmaster telepathically tells the Character to visit him in about two weeks.

  3. Secret Societies

    1. Theme: The world is bigger than I knew.

    2. Function: Main plot initiated, Secret Base mechanics introduced.

    3. Summary: Upon returning to Headmaster at the Hero Academy, the Character is told he is away on business but left behind a package. The package includes instructions to deliver it to the Lady Library Library. Hidden inside the library can be found the Psych Department, Headmaster’s personal Secret Base and team of Mental Power experts. They believe Heroplex itself has become corrupted. They task you with collecting blood samples from Powerless People for testing.

  4. Powerless People

    1. Theme: Something’s really wrong here.

    2. Function: Victims identified, meeting new recurring characters.

    3. Summary: While meeting Powerless People, they reveal certain patterns between them. Some of the earliest people to lose their powers were those with criminal records, others that lost their powers shortly after having multiple powers develop. And some, like Pink Pluto, mention that they had an exceedingly rare power, but not anymore.

  5. Goo Goliath

    1. Theme: Bonafide superhero.

    2. Function: Boss fight, the closing of act one.

    3. Summary: After delivering the Powerless blood samples to the Psych Department, the villain Goo Goliath attacks the laboratory. It’s unknown why, but clearly this is motivated by destroying the research. A battle ensues, and Goo Goliath is finally defeated, but the laboratory is destroyed. As the building starts collapsing, Headmaster reveals a secret exit tunnel for the Character to escape.

  6. The Thief

    1. Theme: Until it happens to you.

    2. Function: Sneaking around, hide and seek, agility tests.

    3. Summary: A mysterious figure is found also fleeing in the Escape Tunnel, so the character chases them down. But it’s a trap, the mysterious figure blocks the exit. They tell you to stop investigating the Powerless Phenomena. They then attack, and throw a dart that lands squarely into the Character’s neck. Everything goes black. The Character wakes up in Headmaster’s personal laboratory, and is informed that his powers seem to have been shut off.

  7. Rightfully Restored

    1. Theme: Value of Powers

    2. Function: Underscoring how everyday life is nearly impossible in this society without powers.

    3. Summary: The Thief may have escaped with the Character’s powers, but the dart used to take those powers is a clue. It’s tipped with a Nuetronite stone that’s been molecularly modified. When the Psych Department gets a lead on a shipment of these stones coming into the harbor, the Character can find The Thief there waiting. On his person the Character can find a Power Charm that when touched, restores their powers. The Thief still manages to escape.

  8. Rebellion Repeated

    1. Theme: History repeats itself, are you ready this time?

    2. Function: Demonstrates how much the Character’s powers have grown since they first fought Revoltoids in the opening scene.

    3. Summary: The Revoltoids launch another attack, this time at Sanctum City Hall. Right after fending them off, Headmaster encourages checking out their offices in case they're behind the Powerless Phenomena. But the Character is caught while snooping, and blamed for the whole attack. The Character is then arrested and sentenced to be kicked out of Sanctum City.

  9. Initiation Infiltration

    1. Theme: Vindication.

    2. Function: Spying on the Revoltoid HQ, stealing proof of innocence.

    3. Summary: The Sanctum City Council teleports the Character far off to the middle of the Wild Wastelands- a landscape scorched by a thousand super power battles. At the Outpost Oasis, some conversations can be overheard regarding the mines from which power stealing stones can be harvested. This lead prompts investigating the mine. Inside is the Secret Base which created the Goo Goliath. It’s Revoltoid Prime’s laboratory! Stealing some Goo, Kleptonite, and Revoltoid Gears should be enough evidence to prove innocence, especially if the Character can shut down the whole operation. The character can also find a file on The Thief, which reveals their actual alias is Trinket.

  10. Wild Wastes

    1. Theme: On my own.

    2. Function: Battle royale, making allies, access to rare goods.

    3. Summary: Getting whisked away to Outpost Oasis might have happened in an instant, but getting back to Sanctum City is easier said than done. The player can take ‘the long way’ and travel with a caravan of other pariahs for an opportunity to make allies, or if the player is all about combat, they can brave the Wild Wastelands alone and enjoy a slate of dynamic battles.

  11. Prodigal Prodigy

    1. Theme: Stranger in my own home

    2. Function: Running around Sanctum City as a fugitive to illustrate the Wanted mechanic.

    3. Summary: Getting back to Sanctum City is one thing, sneaking in is another. The typical approach includes accessing the sewer tunnels. But even once inside, the Character must remain incognito long enough to get back into the Psych Department HQ.

  12. Innocence Insisted

    1. Theme: Trial of the Century

    2. Function: Removes the Wanted Fugitive tag, signals to the government that the Revoltoid threat is real.

    3. Summary: When testifying in their own defense, the Character is attacked by Trinket in the middle of the trial. The evidence and this attack is enough to release you from Fugitive Status, but Trinket still manages to get away in a puff of smoke.

  13. Darkened Days

    1. Theme: Did evil win?

    2. Function: Explores the politics of power.

    3. Summary: The government realizes Kleptonite is a major threat. All powerless people are forced into captivity to ‘protect’ them. They also sign a deal with Corepower Company to develop suit-based powers so the powerless can defend themselves, for a fee.

  14. Leaden Leads

    1. Theme: Hope is a choice.

    2. Function: Demoralizes the Character with wild goose chases until their persistence pays off.

    3. Summary: The Character is presented with a handful of leads on Trinket and Revoltoid’s motives. Many of those leads are total dead ends, and it seems like hope is lost. But after hatching a plan to capture Trinket succeeds, everything turns around.

  15. Waged War

    1. Theme: The ultimate threat

    2. Function: The Revoltoid motives are revealed, the gauntlet is thrown down.

    3. Summary: Interrogating Trinket proves difficult, but Headmaster’s powers allow Character to enter Trinket’s memories and search for answers in person. Once learning that Pink Pluto is the mastermind behind the Kleptonite trade, the whole case breaks wide open. Pink Pluto had assembled a team that could not only turn Nuetronite into Kleptonite, but also permanently transfer powers from one person to another. Pink Pluto really had lost his powers, but only as a cover. But because he’s figured out the Character is on to him, it’s clear he’s going to give himself any power he can.

  16. 11th Hour

    1. Theme: Line in the sand.

    2. Function: Time to prepare.

    3. Summary: Knowing that Pink Pluto will be powered to the max, the Character takes time to make certain the city is fortified, but also that they’ve equipped all their best skills and utilities for what’s shaping up to be an all out war.

  17. Final Fight

    1. Theme: Smack down.

    2. Function: A massive siege of the city, fighting all types of enemies.

    3. Summary: The first stage of the fight includes waves of Revoltoids, followed by multiple Goo Goliaths, then Pink Pluto’s generals. When Trinket is seen sneaking towards Hero Academy, following him will lead the Character to Pink Pluto. This final battle between the two leads to the majority of the building being destroyed.

  18. Despot Dethroned

    1. Theme: Was he right?

    2. Function: The moral quandaries made explicit, loose ends tied up, victory.

    3. Summary: When Pink Pluto is finally defeated, Headmaster arrives with the Power Police to arrest him. After a hearty congratulations, Headmaster invites the Character back to decide how Power Academy can be rebuilt, in which the Character can build their own customized Secret Base.

  19. Epilogue

    1. Theme: Only the Beginning

    2. Function: Rewards for completing the main questline, suggestions for more content.

    3. Summary: Upon returning to the Hero Academy and exploring the new Secret Base, Headmaster mentions several Factions that can be joined for new quest lines and content. After two in-game months, Trinket can be found and engaged for a new adventure.

Heroplexus Chart

  • Physical - powers based in bodily advantages

    • Strength

      • Increase Strength

      • Increase Damage

      • Increase Speed

    • Durability

      • Increase Durability

      • Unstoppable Punch

      • Increase Healing

    • Stretch

      • Increase Stretch

      • Increase Volume

      • Increase Grapple

    • Form

      • Animal Shapeshift

        • Avian Wings

          • Bird Form

        • Terrestrial Claws

          • Beast Form

        • Aquatic Respiration

          • Fish Form

      • Human Shapeshift

        • Random Body

          • Specific Body

      • Object Shapeshift

        • Random Object

          • Specific Object

  • Mental - powers based in psychic mastery

    • Telepathy

      • Increased Range

      • Secret Searching

      • Memory Manipulation

    • Telekinesis

      • Telekinetic Flight

      • Increase Power

      • Increase Range

    • Hypnosis

      • Mass Hypnosis

      • Illusion Casting

      • Enthralled Command

  • Substantive - powers based in controlling substances

    • Air

      • Increase Range

      • Increase Damage

      • Elemental Flight

    • Metal

      • Increase Range

      • Increase Damage

      • Elemental Flight

    • Water

      • Increase Range

      • Increase Damage

      • Elemental Flight

    • Earth

      • Increase Range

      • Increase Damage

      • Elemental Flight

    • Plant

      • Increase Range

      • Increase Damage

      • Elemental Flight

    • Fire

      • Increase Range

      • Increase Damage

      • Elemental Flight

  • Energetic - powers based in controlling essences

    • Force Field

      • Increase Durability

      • Increase Range

      • Multiple Fields

    • Beam Blast

      • Increase Damage

      • Increase Range

      • Blast Bomb

    • Object Constructs

      • Construct Variation

      • Construction Duration

      • Multiple Constructs

  • Conceptual - powers based in dominion over a topic

    • Animal

      • Animal Command

      • Animal Summon

      • Animal Attributes

    • Cyber

      • Mechanical Intuition

      • Cyber Possession

      • Cyber Attributes

    • Power Negation

  • Utility - powers based in advantageous adaptations

    • Teleportation

      • Increase Distance

      • Teleport Multiple

      • Teleport Drop

    • Intangibility

      • Increase Duration

      • Intangible Multiple

      • Intangible Intuition

    • Invisibility

      • Increase Duration

      • Invisible Multiple

      • Decrease Detection

  • Serendipitous - powers based in nuanced caveats

    • Randomized


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