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Heroplex Script: Game Dialogue Sample


In this sequence, THE CHARACTER enters ZERO ZONE. Various RESEARCHERS mill about a central desk area, just behind it several large, glass TESTING UNITS can be seen. DR SHOCK approaches THE CHARACTER within 1 Minute of their arrival if he is not interacted with first. THE CHARACTER must collect a minimum of 5 Powerless DNA Samples, 2 out of 8 acquirable DNA Samples can be lost via poor Conversation dialogue choices. By paying attention to the pieces of information offered, THE CHARACTER has the ability to make the following connections; some of the first Powerless people were formerly incarcerated, many people believe this is a disease but the experts doubt it’s contagious, that there is inconsistency between those who lost powers all at once and those who lost powers over time, and that many of these people lost their powers at remarkably inconvenient moments.

‘Powerless People'

Quest 1, Part 4, Last Updated 08.11.2022

*THE CHARACTER engages DR SHOCK in conversation*


“Welcome to the Zero Zone. You must be Headmaster’s new sidekick.”


(charismatic response) “Sidekick? I’ll take it. What gave me away?”

(callous response) “Sidekick? No. We work together.”


(charismatic response) “Well it wouldn’t be the first time he spoiled some young prodigy with a Super Suit. Are you here for research samples?”

(callous response) “Right. And you’re wearing his usual sidekick’s uniform… just to be ironic? Anyway, I’m just happy to see a new face on the team. Are you here for research samples?”


“Yea, seems like the Zero Zone has the most Powerless all in one place.”


“More and more everyday. Some come here for safety, it's dangerous to be Powerless out there. Some came here to be willing guinea pigs for the research. Others just have nowhere left to go- kicked out by their own families. So many people are afraid this is some transmissible disease. But me and my team have been working with them for over a year and none of us have had our powers affected. We’re in close contact too, we do a lot of tests to see if anything at all will bring their powers back and mark their progress.”


(charismatic response) “And has there been any progress? Has anybody gotten their powers back?”

(callous response) “Well it still could be a disease. Diseases just need cures.”


“Not exactly. Nobody has had their powers totally returned. We got our hopes up a few times when some Powerless demonstrated faint power access when presented with heightened stimuli, but that was only when they were caught off guard, never able to do it consciously. But that might indicate a psychological solution could be possible.”


(charismatic response) “Sounds like I should talk to them.”

(callous response) “Well I guess it’s on me to find out.”


(charismatic response) “You should. Might as well hear their stories when collecting their samples. They’re real people and they’re hurting. Glad to have you on our side, maybe we can make a breakthrough. Let me know if you have any more questions. I’ll be at my station”

(callous response) “You do that. Go ahead and collect those samples. If you have any questions, I’m sure you can handle it. I’ll be working at my station. Let me know when you’re done.”

*THE CHARACTER re-engages DR SHOCK prior to completion of Q1P4*


(if friendly) “What do you need to know?”

(if unfriendly) “Oh? Need something? Shocker.”


“Tell me about the Zero Zone.”

“Tell me about Mrs. Mist.

“Tell me about Incognito.

“Tell me about Star Surge.

“Tell me about Hack Job.

“Tell me about Pink Pluto.

“Tell me about Mollusk Man.

“Tell me about Apothecarian.

“Tell me about White Window.


(the Zero Zone) “This is a team of dedicated researchers, all working to find a cure for Powerlessness. We don’t get a dime from the government or any hospital. Started off out of the back of a garage, but now that we have private funding, we were able to upgrade to this facility. You can find Powerless people throughout the Sleeping Quarters, Lounge, or Testing Area.”

(Mrs Mist) “Well I voted for her reelection, I can tell you that. It was obvious she didn’t abandon her kids. But that’s what happens when the paparazzi follows you, all your worst moments get blown up. She came here cuz public life just wasn’t any option anymore.”

(Incognito) “Incognito holds this lab together. We need laughter in this place. And hope. If somebody who’s been Powerless as long as he has can still hope for the cure, other Powerless can stay hopeful too. He will try and scam a few bucks out of you though.”

(Star Surge) “Oh right, about Star Surge. Don’t tell anybody you saw her here. She was supposed to have an international tour this summer and is still planning on performing live. If it gets out that she’s Powerless her music career might be over, so nobody knows yet. Try not to act like a fan.”

(Hack Job) “Hack Job isn’t a super pleasant guy. Try not to take it personally if he tells you to screw off. Incognito says he knew him ‘back in the yard’ and wasn’t always such a grouch, but I’d be mad too if my powers shut off.”

(Pink Pluto) “Pluto is a real helpful guy. It’s nice to have an extra hand running tests in the lab too. I think he’s trying to repay some karmic debt or something.”

(Mollusk Man) “Well Mollusk Man would rather go by Peter these days. He’s not proud of his super hero career. If you want to make sure he doesn't clam up, make sure you keep it casual.”

(Apothecarian) “See all the plants around here? All tended to by Apothecarian. It’s so beautiful that even if he can't talk to plants anymore, he still seems to listen to them. He motivates us all to keep working. That’s a guy who was truly called to his powers and deserves to have them back.”

(White Window) “I don’t really know much about White Window yet. She just got here a few days ago, but it’s clear she’s struggling without her teleportation. We’ve seen her walk into a lot of doors.”

*THE CHARACTER engages MRS MIST in conversation*


“I’m here researching Powerlessness. Are you willing to participate?”


“What do you want to know?”


(charismatic response) “Well I’m here for a DNA sample, but tell me more about yourself. I want to know your story.”

(callous response) “Just need some DNA.”


(charismatic response) “My story? You didn’t see it in the papers? Just look up ‘mayor-mom loses custody of her children’. One minute I leave my kids in the car while I run into the bank last summer, but then when I got back I just lost the ability to phase through objects. Couldn’t unlock a damn minivan and had to watch my kids boil inside. And of course some hack reporter is there and gets pictures of me ‘abandoning’ them. I didn’t expect to win reelection, but I never thought losing my powers would mean losing custody my children.”

(callous response) “Sure thing. Here ya go.”


(charismatic response) “That’s tragic.”


“I think about them everyday. But honestly, at least they’re alive. Not everybody here is as lucky. If Powerlessness isn’t a disease, it’s a curse. What I would give to just have a glimmer of my powers back. I miss how it felt to have each molecule in my body pass through something. I miss knowing I could help. I miss my life. Some of these Powerless claim their powers sometimes come back, but I don’t buy it. I can feel my body is totally changed, there isn’t a speck of power in me. I know these researchers are doing everything they can but I wont have false hope in the meantime. All I can do now is help their studies. Here, take this DNA sample. Good luck.”

*THE CHARACTER engages INCOGNITO in conversation*


“I’m here researching Powerlessness. Are you willing to participate?”


“What’s in it for me?”


(charismatic response) “How’s a cool tenner?”

(neutral response) “Helping to find a cure.”

(callous response) “A potential cure for your lack of superpowers”


(charismatic response) “Well, well, well. Cool indeed. That’ll getcha any sorta DNA sample you need. Well, not any sample. What’dya wanna know?”

(neutral response / callous response) “What’dya need?”


(charismatic response) “Well I’m here for a DNA sample, but tell me more about yourself. What’s your story?”

(neutral response) “Just need some DNA.”


(charismatic response) “I don’t mean to brag, but I’m the one here who’s been Powerless the longest. Had a whole new lease on life, recently put on probation, practically a free man. I swore I wasn’t gonna shapeshift into celebrities and shoplift anymore, I was only gonna shoplift as me. My most authentic self. But then in a very tragic twist, fate decided for me, and my powers were just gone one day. Poof. I got home from my last court appearance and I couldn’t do a single impression. Almost broke my nose flexing it so hard. My modeling career was shot regardless so my probation officer told me about this place. Been their little guinea pig ever since.”

(neutral response) “Sure thing, here ya go.”


(charismatic response) “Wow, just like that? No signs that your powers were fading over time?”


(charismatic response) “Just like that. I know I copied the face of the kid sitting across from me on the train to get a laugh out of him. But then after I got out for my stop, I could feel this cramp in my forehead. I got worried cuz a lot of guys I did time with got these cramps right before losing their powers. Happened to a ton of guys at that prison. I blamed the bread, but most were saying it was some kind of disease outbreak. Most of them aren't around anymore cuz of how risky it is to walk around Powerless, so I figured this was the safest place to be. Still repaying my debt to society. Speaking of which, here. Hope this DNA sample does something to figure all this out. I miss turning into the president.”

*THE CHARACTER engages STAR SURGE in conversation*


“Heya. Haven’t seen you around, are you new here?”


(charismatic response) “Well I’m here for a DNA sample, but tell me more about yourself. I want to know your story.”

(callous response) “Just need some DNA.”


“I’m really just like anybody else here. Ready to do whatever it takes to get these powers back on. Here’s a DNA sample, hope it helps.”

*THE CHARACTER engages HACK JOB in conversation*


“What’d you want.”


(charismatic response) “Well I’m here for a DNA sample, but tell me more about yourself. I want to know your story.”

(callous response) “Just need some DNA.”


(charismatic response) “I have a long, long, record you can check out for any scrapbooking purposes. Here’s the DNA Sample.”

(callous response) “ Short and sweet. Here ya go.”

*THE CHARACTER engages PINK PLUTO in conversation*


“I’m here researching Powerlessness. Are you willing to participate?”


“I’m willing to do just about anything to cure this damn disease. Whattaya need?”


(charismatic response) “Well I’m here for a DNA sample, but tell me more about yourself. I want to know your story.”

(callous response) “Just need some DNA.”


“Well, nice to meet you. I’m Pink Pluto, or at least I used to be. Not really signing any autographs these days. They’d probably want to disinfect the pen afterward. Since I lost my powers, even my own family is afraid of me. They think I have a disease and they’re probably right. Funny. I was the strongest one of them, could have taken them out at any moment, but they’re only afraid of me once my powers are gone.”


(charismatic response) “So when did it happen? When did you realize you were Powerless?”

(callous response) “I really just need the DNA Sample.”


“I ignored the signs. My Energy Shields had been unbreakable, but about two years ago they would start to flicker, like a light bulb about to go out. I thought I was just distracted. But then when my Secret Base got attacked by Goo Goliath, my shields were just gone. One minute I was holding off a collapsing ceiling, the next thing I knew… everything fell apart… everything.”


(charismatic response) “That’s tragic. You’re the first person to say that their powers started to show signs of weakening.”

(callous response) “I’m guessing you lost teammates?”


(charismatic response) “And that makes it worse. I should have known. I shouldn’t have let them count on me. They’re not here because… because… well maybe I should let you get on your way. If you want to meet somebody else who had their powers slowly fade, you should talk to Mollusk Man.”

(callous response) “Yea. Sure did. Lost a few. Now Im just trying to honor their memory, still be a hero however I can. Here’s that DNA Sample. If you want to meet somebody else who had their powers slowly fade, you should talk to Mollusk Man.”

*THE CHARACTER engages PETER / MOLLUSK MAN in conversation*


(neutral response) “I’m here researching Powerlessness. Are you willing to participate?”

(charismatic response [unlocked via DR SHOCK bonus dialogue]) “Are you Peter?”

(charismatic response [unlocked via PINK PLUTO bonus dialogue]) “Are you Mollusk Man?”


(neutral response) “It’s why I’m here. What’dya need from me?”

(PINK PLUTO bonus dialogue response) “Sure am. What’dya need from me?”

(PINK PLUTO bonus dialogue response) “Oh god. Don’t call me that. My name is Peter. I’m guessing Pluto sent you?”


(charismatic response) “Well I’m here for a DNA sample, but tell me more about yourself. I want to know your story.”

(callous response) “Just need some DNA.”

(PINK PLUTO bonus dialogue response) “Yea haha. What gave it away?”

(DR SHOCK bonus dialogue response) “Just collecting some DNA Samples, if it’s no trouble.”


(charismatic response) “Pass. I’m tired of the pity party. People pitied me when I started to lose my powers and I’m sick of it. Leave me alone. Bye.”

(callous response) “I’m tired of all you expecting me to be a little lab rat just because my powers faded. No. Leave me alone. Bye.

(PINK PLUTO bonus dialogue response) “He still wants to be his alias. I know those days are long gone.”

(DR SHOCK bonus dialogue response) “I guess. Sure, already had this sample on me anyway. Here ya go. Bye.


(PINK PLUTO bonus dialogue response) “That’s actually what I’m here about. I’m collecting samples to research a cure. Pluto said you also lost powers over time instead of all at once?”


(PINK PLUTO bonus dialogue response) “Yea that’s right. Trust me, you don’t want to lose the ability to breathe underwater 40 feet from the surface. But then as soon as I'm about to break through, my powers come back on again. Nobody believed me. And it’s not like they knew how to do CPR on a fish. I was afraid to get back in the water but I had to keep working. Paying off Ascension Academy loans and all that. It only got worse from there.”


(PINK PLUTO bonus dialogue charismatic response) “I went to Ascension Academy too. The Revoltoids attacked on my graduation day.”

(PINK PLUTO bonus dialogue callous response) “Life got harder after graduation? You don’t say”


(PINK PLUTO bonus dialogue response) “Ascension didn’t exactly get me ready for how my life turned out. I thought I could handle a little delivery gig, just getting some jewelry over to Moonbeam Bay. As soon as I get to the marina, the drop off is intercepted. These Telekinetic Aliens swoop in and grab the goods. Ascension Academy trained me to lift hundreds of gallons of water with my mind, but when your powers go empty you look like a real idiot just waving your arms around. Once I get my trucker’s license I’m out of here. I’m not getting my hopes up again. So, no. No DNA Sample for you. Powers won’t leave me looking like an idiot this time.”

*THE CHARACTER engages APOTHECARIAN in conversation*


What can I do for you?”


(charismatic response) “Well I’m here for a DNA sample, but tell me more about yourself. I want to know your story.”

(callous response) “Just need some DNA.”


(charismatic response) “Well let me get this dirt off my hands, I was just on the way to finish potting some sprouts. Maybe I didn't really lose my powers if the plants still do my bidding. Only kidding, I’m not under any delusions. But it’s nice to pretend.”

(callous response) “Oh, uh, I hope you don't mind I’m a little dirty. Here ya go. Let me know if you need anything else.”


(charismatic response) “Maybe it’s not a delusion? Ever think that maybe your powers have come back at all?”

(neutral response) “Sounds powerful to me. With that DNA Sample maybe it won’t have to be a fantasy.”


(charismatic response) “Unfortunately, my powers are most definitely all the way off. I know what it was like to hear a tree whisper little secrets my way. All I’m getting these days is the rustle of branches. But I refuse to forget what they told me, what they like, what helps them grow. I try to keep it up just in case they get the chance to thank me later. I know I have a lot to thank them for.”

(neutral response) “Here ya go. Let me know if you need anything else.”


(neutral response) “Sounds powerful to me. With that DNA Sample maybe it won’t have to be a fantasy.”


(neutral response) “That’s what I want to thank them for- the hope. Here ya go. Let me know if you need anything else.”

*THE CHARACTER engages WHITE WINDOW in conversation*




(charismatic response) “Hello, I’m here researching Powerlessness. I’m collecting DNA Samples but, if you’re interested, I want to hear more about your story. What’s Powerlessness like?”

(callous response) “Hi. Just need some DNA.”


(charismatic response) “I’m just trying to get through the day. Used to be able to teleport and my legs are absolutely not used to all this walking. My basic reflexes are pretty much useless- whenever something gets thrown at my face my instinct is to teleport away, so in the Testing Unit I’m hit by a lot of surprise dodgeballs. But DNA Samples? That sounds easy enough. Here, hope it makes the breakthrough. And thanks for your help.”

(callous response) “I may be new but I’ve never seen you around before. Are you even supposed to be down here?


(charismatic response) “Oh, sorry, just in a bit of a rush. I’m here researching Powerlessness for an outside group. Participation is totally optional but any DNA Sample will do.”

(callous response) “I’m here trying to help you. If you’re gonna waste my time I can just move on.”


(charismatic response) “DNA Samples? That sounds easier than the Testing Unit experiments. Here ya go.”

(callous response) “You go ahead and do that. Goodbye.”


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